Guidelines for Sharing Customer Success Stories on LinkedIn
client case studies Lori Creighton client case studies Lori Creighton

Guidelines for Sharing Customer Success Stories on LinkedIn

Customer success stories should be in your content marketing mix if you want to set yourself apart from your competition. When you tell the stories that only you can tell, you give prospects a tag to remember you by. If you take the reader up and over the dramatic arc with your story, an empathetic response is stimulated that can lead to action. This isn’t going to happen, however, if you don’t get your stories in front of your prospects.

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Marketing Consultant Gives XPERTECHS Product Manager Freedom to Focus
working with Lori Lori Creighton working with Lori Lori Creighton

Marketing Consultant Gives XPERTECHS Product Manager Freedom to Focus

When Chris Freeman, a marketing professional at managed IT company XPERTECHS in Ellicott City, MD, moved into the role of product manager, he felt pulled in too many directions. As a product manager, Chris was tasked with developing new IT service product offerings, but he still had to maintain all of his marketing responsibilities. The result was that daily marketing tasks started to fall through the cracks, and Chris knew that he didn’t have the bandwidth to get everything done.

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How Will You Treat Me When There's a Crisis?
employer brand Lori Creighton employer brand Lori Creighton

How Will You Treat Me When There's a Crisis?

There are a whole lot of employer brand stories in the making right now as companies are figuring out how they will respond to the continuing COVID-19 public health crisis. We’re hearing some of these stories already. Some companies are finding ways to enable employees so that they can work from home. Others have had to temporarily shut down. Still others are operating at a reduced level. Many are stepping up to help their communities at the same time that they’re creating their own coping strategy.

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Introducing Sarah Olson, Brand Storyteller
working with Lori Lori Creighton working with Lori Lori Creighton

Introducing Sarah Olson, Brand Storyteller

Sarah Olson joins her mom, Lori Creighton, as a writer at Homestead Media, helping companies communicate their reputation as a good employer through employee experience storytelling. Her role at Homestead Media provides a way for Sarah to keep her professional experience fresh while she cares for her two young sons. It’s a great situation that helps her to put her family first, and stay close to her mom, Lori, owner of Homestead Media.

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What is Employer Branding?
employer brand Lori Creighton employer brand Lori Creighton

What is Employer Branding?

When you hear the word “branding,” your mind might think of logos, colors, and design. While a consistent visual presence certainly plays a part in creating a positive impression to the job candidates that you want to attract, employer branding encompasses a whole lot more than your graphic style. It’s your reputation.

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Two Reasons Why Your Recruiting Process is Broken
recruitment marketing, strategy Lori Creighton recruitment marketing, strategy Lori Creighton

Two Reasons Why Your Recruiting Process is Broken

No one has to tell you that it’s difficult to find the workers you need. That’s stating the obvious. A low unemployment economy, however, isn’t the only challenge that you need to overcome in order to swing that situation around. Chances are good that if you’re still doing recruiting the way you’ve always done it, that your process is broken. The time to fix it is now and here’s why.

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Guidelines for Using Employee Photos for Marketing
employee storytelling Lori Creighton employee storytelling Lori Creighton

Guidelines for Using Employee Photos for Marketing

You know a stock photo when you see one, don’t you? Authentic photos of a business and its people are much more effective at nurturing trust and building relationships with potential job candidates and prospects than a generic stock photo. Getting great employee photos, however, takes a lot more effort than just browsing through a library of stock images, and you need to take care to make sure that using real photos of your people will be a good experience for employees and that you’re not violating privacy concerns.

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Consulting Services Make It Easier to Be a Marketing Department of One
working with Lori Lori Creighton working with Lori Lori Creighton

Consulting Services Make It Easier to Be a Marketing Department of One

Courtney Casey is the Director of Marketing for Accent Computer Solutions, now VC3 after being acquired in 2022. Being responsible for marketing in an extremely competitive industry means that Courtney has a very comprehensive marketing strategy and is active in multiple channels, from content development, advertising and email marketing to customer communications, sales enablement and networking.

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First Steps to Take to Promote Your Customer Success Story
client case studies Lori Creighton client case studies Lori Creighton

First Steps to Take to Promote Your Customer Success Story

You just published a client success story on your website. As you look at the text on the web page, you recall all the effort that went into the piece. It’s not always easy to get people to open up, but not only did you get a unique angle with which to describe the outcome of your work, you also got some great insights about your client’s experience that you can take to your team. Now is no time to sit back and bask in your client’s glowing words. It’s time to get to work to promote your success story.

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What is Recruitment Marketing?
recruitment marketing Lori Creighton recruitment marketing Lori Creighton

What is Recruitment Marketing?

We’re getting quite predictable, you and me. We use our consumer behaviors to shop for just about anything, be it a new dishwasher for our home, a software tool for work, or even our next job opportunity. Don’t believe me? Answer these questions. What do you do first when you need to buy a product or service? You go to the internet to research the problem that you need to solve, and you learn about the options available to solve it.

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Lori Creighton Certified in Recruitment Marketing
working with Lori Lori Creighton working with Lori Lori Creighton

Lori Creighton Certified in Recruitment Marketing

Lori Creighton has earned Recruitment Marketing Certification through the Smashfly* Transform Academy. The certification is recognized by SHRM (Society for Human Resource Professionals) and the HR Certification Institute as eligible for continuing education credits for HR professionals. Recruitment marketing is the use of marketing tactics to achieve recruiting goals. It’s considered an emerging discipline within the field of HR but it requires a very different skillset.

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How Buyer Personas Help You Fish in the Right Lake
strategy Lori Creighton strategy Lori Creighton

How Buyer Personas Help You Fish in the Right Lake

Imagine for a moment that you went to a lake, launched your boat, and started to fish without knowing if the body of water was an environment where fish could thrive. Your results will be hit or miss. You could be super lucky and get a bite with every cast. You could go through the whole day without a single nibble. Maybe you have a bit of success and you bring in a few fish in return for the investment of your time, your equipment and the energy you expended to plan your day and get there.

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