This is What's Wrong with Your Testimonials
“Everyone is so happy with the completion of our big project implementation. Sure, there were a few problems to troubleshoot along the way, but your team stuck with it and performed brilliantly. We now have a system that is operating at capacity and is creating the real time results that we need to meet our goals.” Zzzzzz…. Is it over? This client quote could be just about any business in any industry. I made this one up but amazingly enough, this is the type of text that many companies are publishing for testimonials.
Sprinkle Customer Testimonials in Your Marketing Messages to Grow Trust
When it comes to communicating that you can do what you say you can do, your customers’ words carry a lot more weight than yours do. When you talk about yourself, it’s a platitude. When your customers talk about you, it’s credibility. That’s why it’s important to gather and use testimonials throughout all of your sales and marketing messages so that you can build trust with every interaction.