Marketing with Stories Blog

How Employee Testimonials Give You a Recruiting Advantage
The job market might look different today than it did a few years ago, but your need to attract exceptional talent hasn't changed. In 2019, companies fought to stand out among countless "We’re hiring" messages. Today, you're more likely seeing posts from talented professionals announcing they're open to work after layoffs or downsizing. Whether the market is favoring employers or candidates, one recruiting tool consistently helps you connect with high-quality talent: authentic employee testimonials.

3 Ways Employee Testimonials Pump Up Recruiting
Would you ever buy a house without walking through it first? Do you think you could make a confident purchase if you weren’t even allowed to peek through the windows? Probably not. Yet that’s what you might be asking your job candidates to do if you don’t use employee testimonials in your recruitment marketing. Employee testimonials give your candidates a window to peek through to see if your company is a good place to work, and if the job you want to fill is right for them.