Memory Keeping Blog

Climbing Out from Under the Photo Pile
I always knew I had a lot of family photos, tapes, and documents. But I didn’t realize just how much until I gathered everything in one place. That was when it hit me—I wasn’t just a memory-keeper. I was the reluctant archivist of a collection too big to manage. Pulling everything out was the easy part. The hard part was deciding what to do with it. It was too much.

How Did We Get Buried in Photos?
How big is your digital photo and video collection? It’s not uncommon to have tens of thousands of images documenting family life, hobbies, and interests. My own digital collection holds about 45,000 files. Add to that the boxes of prints, scrapbooks, slides, tapes, and movie reels from my parents. I’ve made progress organizing my ever-expanding collection over the years, but I still feel like I’m buried in photos.